
Wellness Healing Services


New Moon in Capricorn -Initiating and Building the New Dream

The New Moon in Capricorn has significant energy to pay attention to. We must always observe and correlate the polarity point and in this case it is the sign of Cancer. This may be an emotional New Moon as the sign of Cancer is related to our emotional body. The rivers within us that lead to oceans of pure love and our inner security.

Every New Moon  is where the moon conjuncts the sun and they begin a new cycle together. It’s a time to set a new intention for the 6 months ahead that relates to the themes and archetype of Capricorn. The sign of Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the ruler of time space, reality, conditioning, limitation, boundaries, the long term, social structures and constructs, and authority. How have we been conditioned versus develop our natural sense of self?

We as humans have this phenomena called our intuition which is connected to our heart. Our intuition communicates through allegory, emotion, and a deep sense of knowing; trusting. Our bodies are the most advanced technology we have; we are empowered manifesting co-creators. We are remembering who we are and what we are capable of.

On the contrary, we have lived centuries driven by the mind, the masculine side of our yin and yang. Furthermore, we have been living under a patriarchal society for thousands of years.

As we enter the Aquarian Age, we can say that this New Moon is kicking off Pluto’s ingress into the sign of Aquarius and catapulting us into the Aquarian Age.  A time to rebalance our masculine and feminine energies. o individuate and free ourselves from previous conditioning (Capricorn).

When we have an intuitive idea that we know in our hearts is possible, our mind, our ego will naturally try to shut it down. The mind is a powerful tool that is a contributing part of the puzzle that makes us brilliant. However, the mind is the caboose in many ways and last to know the truth and the power of what our connection to life force energy and when it’s  communicating to us. 

We are powerful manifesters co-creating with Source and able to create the lives we desire, because we are worth it. I share this insight to remind us that we are freeing ourselves from previous conditioning (Capricorn).

We are building a new life of long term value (Venuse) for ourselves that is linked to creating what we previously thought was not possible, yet our intuition says, ‘yes it is’.

This is a time of trusting what you know is best for you to build and to honor your self worth even if you do not have the proof in front of you.  On the other side of your vision, which you feel in your heart is possible.  That is where we are going. Can you trust in what you do not see yet, but you sense and feel is possible for yourself. There is such a thing called mind control where lower energies and vibrations keep you in the lower planes of battling your shadow and remaining enslaved by themes around low self worth. Remaining in this space is not for our best and highest good, so we get to choose to go higher.  What can we learn from our shadow and allow it to empower us to be the best version of ourselves and evolve.  To connect to our HEART. To set intentions for your long term visions and goals around what you are building now. 

Keep in mind that this new moon in Capricorn happens at 21 degrees of Capricorn, the same degree point of where Saturn and Pluto had their conjunction back in 2020 that initiated the pandemic. We have been recovering, healing, and working towards creating a new dream since then and it’s been messy.

It’s been like going through a maze, a zig zag and many unknowns. Now we have support in building what we already know we value and is meaningful to us. We are also letting go of whatever we have been enslaved to over a long period of time that we have been confronting, dissolving, healing, transmuting, and breaking free from. 

This is a transit, an energy of owning your power, of owning who you are. State your claim and honor that you are no longer a previous version of yourself and this is the moment you self actualize this as your new reality.

We are the creators of our own reality and it starts with connecting to our heart, to our emotions, to the higher vibrations of self worth so that we can create thoughts in our minds that align with this truth. 

This is a beautiful new moon in Capricorn where all planets are in conversation with each other. 

The sun and moon sit at 21 degrees of Capricorn trining Uranus in Taurus.

This aspect is supporting you in disseminating what you are ready to liberate yourself from that is not supporting your creative purpose and your emotional needs. What is supporting your creative self actualization, your emotional needs and sense of self worth? This energy is liberating us, it is bringing forth our awareness around the fear of unknowns and are we willing to choose trust over fear and to know that we are safe regardless of the unknowns?  This is liberation from previous conditions that are  not natural to our self worth and values.

Jupiter in Taurus sextiles Saturn in Pisces.

We are building (Jupiter in Taurus) the new dream (Saturn in Pisces) for the long term. Saturn is the ruler of this New Moon and Saturn sits in Pisces. Therefore, we are confronting our previous conditioning that created a conditioned sense of security, self worth, and patterns that are not aligned with who we naturally are.

This part of the New Moon in Capricorn is providing a pathway to new soil that we are building in a tangible way that Jupiter will now provide resources as we move forward. We must be willing to let go of the previous conditioning that is ready to be healed and dissolved. 

Mars Capricorn is sextiling Saturn in Pisces and trining Jupiter in Taurus.

Mars represents our desires. Pluto is our soul who reveals our unconscious desires through Mars who makes them conscious and acts them out into the physical world. This is how we evolve. Mars, our desires and actions are clear and we follow this impulse to make it a part of our reality.

Venus in Sagittarius is trining Chiron in Aries. We are supported to release ourselves from the wounds of the past where we believed we didn’t have the right to exist. We do and we are valued unconditionally.

Ultimately, Saturn rules this New Moon in Capricorn and Saturn is currently in Pisces ruled by Neptune. We are READY to dissolve the previous conditioning of what previously constituted our inner security. We are READY to release, let go of, dissolve, dismantle, and say NO to what previously conditioned our reality that is not linked to our NATURAL TRUTH. This is our time to initiate, change, and create the reality we truly desire that is related to our natural truth and authority. YES!

If this report resonates, feel free to reach out for an astrology reading which can really support your personal growth and well being.

Have a beautiful New Moon in Capricorn as we catapult into the new renaissance. 

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