
Wellness Healing Services

Full Moon in Virgo – A Shedding, Releasing, and Adapting into the NEW. A Vision Into Our Future.

The Full Moon takes place at 5 degrees in the sign of Virgo. Whenever there is a Full Moon, it means the Sun and the Moon are in an exact opposition, so something must be thrown off, brought to our awareness so that change and evolution can take form. Awareness is key, and knowing where the 5 degree point lands in your chart will help you understand how the energy is showing up in your life, based on which house. If you have any points or planets at 5 degrees of Virgo, this full moon will feel more personal to you. If you have any planets and or points at 5 degrees of the Earth signs, Taurus and Capricorn, this is also going to feel very supportive and resourceful. When we are open to change through awareness, we can discern what the grounded next steps are at any given moment

Tune into your inner voice, and ask yourself, what are my values now and what do I desire to create? This Full Moon is asking us to adapt to the change, speaking very loudly through where energy either feels stagnant. The sun will be conjunct Saturn and Mercury during this transit, and a few days after, they will become exact at 9 degrees of Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is about dissolving the previous man made structures that defined our conditioning that no longer resonates with our natural truth. During this Full Moon in Virgo, ruled by Mercury we are receiving the divinely guided insight around next steps in order to align with what Venus (our feminine energy) is calling us to create while Mars (our masculine energy) is asking us what we desire so that we can take necessary steps to pursue it into action. 

We are experiencing a massive deep healing around our wounded masculine that has kept us in limitations and beliefs around feeling unworthy to take up space. This is happening in the collective through the transit of Chiron in Aries conjunct the North Node. We are healing on a soul level and are ready to take up space.  Change is inevitable. We are in a constant state of evolution, change, and impermanence. This Full Moon in Virgo will support us in accepting and adapting to change while calling us forth to our new reality; the new dream that is tangible and reachable from a healed and harmonized version of ourselves. 

Mars is the ruler of the North Node in Aries, where the soul is calling us forward. Venus is the ruler of the South Node, where creativity is calling us to move forward and let go of the inner relationship dynamics within ourselves and others that are no longer aligned with our current matured selves. We learn through this transit where we are still experiencing imbalances, therefore this Full Moon in Virgo is shedding a light on those dynamics allowing for confronting, healing, and liberation. We must objectify what we become aware of and choose to liberate ourselves from these limitations. 

Allow for awareness to come through, listen to your heart. Embody self love and nurturing and surrender to where the Universe is guiding you. Guiding you home to your  nature and where you are meant to flow, create, cultivate, take action, and self actualize. 

Have a beautiful Full Moon in Virgo ๐Ÿ’ซ

If this resonates with you and you are curious to explore your own chart, feel free to reach out for a reading. I am sending you oceans of love ๐ŸŒŠ๐Ÿ’“

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